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Published on March 31, 2022
While New Zealand remains at Red in the COVID-19 Protection Framework (the Traffic Light system), the framework has been simplified to target restrictions at those activities that reduce transmission the most. From 11.59pm Monday 4 April the government no longer requires a My Vaccine Pass to enter those venues that were previously covered by the Pass. Scanning in requirements for the vaccinated will also end. In line with these changes, from 11.59pm Wednesday 30 March a valid My Vaccine Pass is no longer required to access Council's community facilities.
Restrictions have also eased on events. While masks will remain, outdoor gathering limits have been removed and indoor gathering limits have been increased from 100 to 200. At all levels, the testing and isolation requirements remain as they are now.
From Monday 4 April all Community Hub and Library sites will resume their normal operating hours. We may need to adapt if faced with staffing shortages due to necessary isolation. Should the Government announce any changes to the status, we'll publish updated information as soon as possible here on our dedicated COVID-19 page.
From Monday 4 April our normal operating hours are:
My Vaccine Pass
Traffic Lights Map
MidCentral Vaccination Services
MidCentral Testing Centres
MidCentral DHB Facebook Page
Locations of Interest