Library Notes 5th December 2018
Published on December 05, 2018
Top 10 books
New Non-Fiction
Creative Successful Dyslexic, 23 High Achievers share their Stories by Margaret Rooke
Success with Succulents by John Bagnasco and Bob Reidmuller
Ladies of Lethenty by Carol Dawber and Sarah Pickering
Collectables Handbook and Price Guide 2019-2020 by Judith Miller
Bonsai Growing in New Zealand for the Absolute Beginner by Beverley Van
Mountain Berries and Desert Spice, Sweet inspiration from the Hunza Valley to the Arabian sea by Sumayya Usmani
200 Tips for Jewelry making, Tips, Techniques & Trade Secrets by Xuella Arnold and Sara Withers
Small Art Quilts, Exploratins in Paint and Stitch by Deborah O’Hare
Handbag Designer 101, Everything you need to know about designing, making and marketing Handbags by Emily Blumenthal
Architecture Today Interior Design by Oscar Asensio
Top Summer Reads
Pam Coleman Community Engagement Librarian
If you’re looking for a great novel to get you in the holiday spirit or to distract you from all the hoo-ha, check out these great books for adults.
All This by Chance is a moving multigenerational family saga about the legacy of the Holocaust and the burden of secrets never shared, by one of New Zealand’s finest writers. This is not a book for the beach on a lazy day but an intense close read. There are changes in structure, pace, tone, mood and perspective. However it is well worth the read as it’s a beautiful, beautiful book.
Time’s Convert is the latest novel by Deborah Harkness. Harkness’s previous series from 2011, A Discovery of Witches, is being serialised on SKY at the moment. I would recommend that you read this series first if you are interested in Time’s Convert. The novel is a cut above your average witch-loves-vampire, supernatural, historical romance. It is a story of the supernatural and romance but it delves into history with the story of the origin of the vampire characters. The story primarily focuses on Marcus and his girlfriend Pheobe. Their story jumps back from present day to the American Revolution where Marcus first became a vampire.
Harkness has created a universe to rival those of Anne Rice, Diana Gabaldon, and Elizabeth Kostova, and she adds a scholar's depth to this riveting story of magic and suspense.
The Amazing Read Summer Reading Programme begins on January, 10
Make the most of summer and join our Summer Reading Challenge!
It is well recognised that children’s reading levels can often slip over the summer when they are on holiday. Halting the summer slide can be as simple as encouraging kids to read five books over the summer break. The library does its part by providing a free reading-focused programme during the summer holidays.
Children are required to report-in a minimum of four times to successfully complete the programme; this requires them to talk one-on-one with a librarian about their reading. The children are rewarded for their efforts with an incentive each time they report-in. Children who complete four report-ins are invited to a Finale Celebration.
There will be fun Christmas craft activities every week day on the lead up to Christmas. In the New Year after the Christmas break, there will be themed morning craft activities.
Save these dates for January too! On January, 7 we have a performance from Little Dog Barking Theatre Company. Zappo visits all our libraries for a fun filled magic show on January, 11. All our events are suitable for families and are free.
Summer Reading Programme and Craft Activity Details
Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō
December, 10 – 24: 3.30pm to 4.30pm - Report in and take part in a fun craft activity.
December, 24 to January 4 - No programme
January, 7 - 17: 9am to 5pm Report in Monday to Friday all day. Take part in a fun craft activity from 10am to 12.00 noon.
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom
December, 10 - 24: 3.30pm to 4.30pm Report in and take part in a fun craft activity.
December, 24 to January, 4 - No programme
January, 7 – 17: 10am to 11.30pm - Report in and take part in a fun craft activity.
Shannon Library
December, 10 - 24: 3.30pm to 4.30pm - Report in and take part in a fun craft activity.
December, 24 to January, 4 - No programme
January, 7 – 17: 2pm to 3pm - Report in and take part in a fun craft activity.
What’s on?
'Living Plus Abstract Art Exhibition' November 19-21, Main Space, Te Takeretanga o Kura-Hau-pō
‘No Shame No Silence’ Friday, November 2 to Saturday, December 15 Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom
Heritage Room in Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō
The Heritage Room has a volunteer available Monday-Saturday from 10am-12.30pm.
Wednesday December 5
Crochet Club 10:30am to 12:00pm
Guitar Club 5pm to 5:30pm
Quiz Night 7pm to 9pm
Thursday December 6
Lego Club 3:30pm to 5:00pm Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-po
Friday December 7
Lunchtime Concert A real highlight this week.
12pm to 1pm Te Roopo Paharekeke - Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō
Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 2pm to 4pm
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom 10am to 12pm
Sunday December 9
Jazz Jam session. Open to all musicians. Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 2pm to 4pm
Monday December 10
The Amazing Read Summer Reading Programme begins
Raukawa Whanau Ora playgroup - 9.30am to 12pm
Tuesday December 11
Stepping UP Digital Devices
Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 10am to 12pm
Wednesday December 12
Crochet Club 10:30am - 12pm
Guitar Club 5pm to 5:30pm
Quiz Night 7pm to 9pm