Library Notes 31 July 2019
Published on July 31, 2019
Top 10 books
New Non Fiction
Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz
Propagation Techniques Mitchell Beazley
Secrets of Shiatsu by Cathy Meeus
Quilt Local by Heather Jones
The 163 best Paleo Slow Cooker Recipes by Judith Finlayson
Family Friendly Knits by Courtney Spainhower
Foam Rolling by Sam Woodworth
Frensham A New Zealand Garden by Margaret Long & Juliet Nicholas
BMX Riding Skills by Shek Hon
Amazing Grains by Ghillie James
The Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Librarian
Pam Coleman Community Engagement Librarian
Confession 1
When I shelf books I have to sing the alphabet song.
Confession 2
I avoid shelving non-fiction because Dewey decimal system irritates me. (This will send librarians everywhere tutting furiously.)
Confession 3
While unpacking boxes after our move to New Zealand I found a children’s library book from Dennistoun Library in Glasgow. It was called ‘Spots and Stripes’ and it remains in our collection, hidden. My children revel in my shame.
Confession 4
I spent four years studying part time, while working full time and raising four boisterous teenagers. I studied by distance learning which meant that I never set foot in Victoria University at all. Library books were sent to me in neatly packaged courier bags. I was nearing the end of my post graduate study, feeling the effects of long nights scrambling to finish essays and prepare for tutorials. I was eagerly awaiting the results of my efforts, while looking forward to a restful summer break. Much to my horror, I received a letter announcing that my grades were on hold. No reason was given. Panic struck! I would have to study over the summer semester, worse still I might not be able to continue. I emailed my tutor. No response. I emailed the course coordinator. No response. Finally I contacted the university registrar. My grade had been withheld because I had a debt…a library charge for overdue and unreturned books. $17.41. Embarrassing for a student studying toward a library qualification! The amount is seared into my librarian brain for evermore.
So there you go proof that librarians ARE human. It does happen!
On a serious note, when library charges accrue on library accounts it can cause a barriers to using the library. I was lucky enough to be able to pay my library fine but the consequence of not having the money to pay it would have been far reaching. Horowhenua Libraries want to ensure that no one faces any barriers to learning, growing, and strengthening our communities. So from tomorrow for the whole month of August, Horowhenua Libraries will be running a Food for Fines Amnesty. All three libraries throughout Horowhenua will collect donations of non-perishable food and pass it on to a local foodbank or the SPCA. For a more detailed description of how the Food for Fines Amnesty will work please check out our website
What’s On
Food for Fines
All three libraries throughout Horowhenua will collect donations of non-perishable food and pass it on to a local foodbank or the SPCA. For a more detailed description of how the Food for Fines Amnesty will work please check out our website
Realism & Nostalgia’ by Foxton Beach artists Sue Taylor, Jill Hammond and Paul Andersen.
Our Place Exhibition Thursday 8 August to Sunday 29 September Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom
Heritage room:
The Heritage rooms at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō are manned by volunteers 10am-12.30 pm Monday to Saturday.
Wednesday August 1
Quiz Night- Harry Potter Theme & dress up7pm Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō $5
Thursday August 1:
Winter Warmers: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 3pm – 5pm
Lego Hour: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Devils Snare and Luminous: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 3.30pm – 4.30pm- A classical board game with a magical twist. Fun for all ages!
Friday August 2:
Friday Lunchtime Concert: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 12pm
Winter Warmers: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 3pm – 5pm
SeniorNet: Get help with your tablets, phones and laptops
-Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom 10am-12pm
-Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 2pm -4pm
Saturday August 3:
Owlcatraz 2 for 1 Owl tour deal
Owlcatraz vouchers, on programmes or Yule Ball Tickets for Harry’s 21st Celebrations.
DA Market- fantasy wizarding world shopping for modern muggles: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 10am – 3.30pm
Commemorating Harry’s 21st Birthday. Themed Harry Potter costume party with live band Mischevious Mix, two course meal, cocktail, auction, photo booth and more: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 6.30pm- 1am Cost $55
Monday August 5:
Tai Chi classes Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō Main Space 10am
Toddler Time:
-Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō – Children’s Library, every Monday, 2pm
-Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom – Children’s Library, every Monday 2.15pm
Tuesday August 6:
Raukawa Whanau Ora playgroup: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 9.30am-12.00pm
JP Service: Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō 11.30am-1.30pm
Wednesday August 7:
Toddler Time: Shannon CoTop 10 books