Library Notes 30 January 2019

Published on January 30, 2019


Top 10 books
Children’s Reads

You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P! by Alex Gino
The Ethan I was Before, by Ali Sandish
The Ice Monster, by David Walliams
47 Degrees, by Justin D’Ath
Daughters of Steel, by Naomi Cyprus
The Dog who Saved the World, by Ross Welford
Grandma Dangerous and the Egg of Glory, by Kita Mitchell
The Stig Drives Again, by J Claydon & T Lawler
Captain Underpants – Wedgie Power Guidebook, adapted by Kate Howard
Squirm, by Carl Hiaasen


Deborah Macdonald Children’s Librarian
Holiday Fun

It’s been all go over the holidays with plenty of activities keeping the kids amused. Our reading programme saw over 160 children registered in the Horowhenua. It’s gratifying to see so many keeping up their reading over the holidays. As librarians we find it a joy to sit down with the children to listen to them talk about the books they’ve read, and then to reward them for their efforts with incentives kindly supplied by the Eastern and Central Trust. The programme ended with a finale at each library - a barbecue and swim at the Aquatic Centre for Levin children, Shannon kids were treated to a trip to the Toy Circus and Foxton Library was visited by a real life bobby who entertained them with stories, demonstrated his handcuffs and even allowed them to try on his vest. Every child received a certificate and book.

This year the entertainers provided as part of the reading programme were “Little Dog Barking” Theatre Company who put on a delightful puppet show and the ever popular Zappo whose amazing magic skills captivated children and adults alike. The room was bursting at its seams with over 150 in attendance.

The Summer Reading programme is funded by the Eastern and Central Trust and offered free to libraries in the central North Island. In the Horowhenua we are fortunate to be included in this region and are able to offer the programme free to our children. If your children missed out this time, look out for our popular Winter Warmers programme which is held for six weeks over June-August. This is a similar incentive based programme which is also funded by ECCT as their commitment to reading and literacy.

 A number of “clay creation” classes proved really popular over the holidays at both Levin and Foxton libraries, and really brought out the creative skills of those who attended. Flamingos, kiwis, beetles and dinosaurs were among the variety of objects produced.

We are looking forward to a great year ahead. In March we are celebrating Seaweek. The theme this year is “Tiakina o Tātou Mōana” – Care for our Seas and will run from 2nd to 10th March. The event will highlight the impact of plastic, litter and other pollutants on our coasts and in our seas. Come in and check out a display of artwork relating to this theme submitted by members of the public. There will also be a display of artwork and collage created by pre-school children. A preschool variety show and a puppet show put on by Anna Bailey of Stringbean Puppets will also feature as part of the event.

We look forward to seeing you at our many activities on offer in 2019.


What’s on

Wednesday 30 January
Social crochet and coffee club - 10.30am

Thursday 31 January
Raukawa Whanau Ora playgroup - 9.30am-12.00pm

Friday 1 Feb
Friday concert 12-1pm (Paul Holcombe)
SeniorNet: Get help with your tablets, phones and laptops Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom 10am-12pm, Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-po 2-4pm

Tuesday 5 February
Raukawa Whanau Ora playgroup - 9.30am-12.00pm
JP Clinic - 11.30am-1.30pm

Wednesday 6 February
Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō – CLOSED
Shannon Library – CLOSED
Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom open 10am – 4pm

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