Library News 27 August 2021
Published on August 27, 2021
Top 10 New Non-Fiction E-books
Soil by Matthew Evans
Man with a Van by Drew Pritchard
Rust Belt Femme by Raechel Anne Jolie
Conversations About Indigenous Rights by Selwyn Katene and Rawiri Taonui (eds.)
Elizabethans: How Modern Britain was Forged (audiobook) by Andrew Marr
The Backyard Adventurer by Beau Miles
The Hummingbirds’ Gift by Sy Montgomery
Rewilding the Urban Soul by Claire Dunn
Who Gets to be Smart by Bri Lee
Face: One Square Foot of Skin by Justine Bateman
Pam Coleman
Community Engagement Librarian
Ever mixed up words in a sentence or said the wrong word by accident?
Chris Hipkins New Zealand’s Covid-19 response minister provided us all, including a bemused Dr Ashley Bloomfield, some light-hearted relief from regular pandemic coverage last week.
“It is a challenge for people in high density areas to get outside and spread their legs when they are surrounded by other people.”
The gaff has typically gone viral (no pun intended) across the world with the hashtag #spreadyourlegs as kiwis come up with countless memes and pictures. But who can blame Mr Hipkins, English can be a challenging language to speak correctly.
As a librarian and logophile (lover of words) there is actually a term to describe different types of word-related mistakes. Brace yourself, here’s everything you need to know about one of the ways we mix up words in English.
A ‘malapropism’ is when an incorrect word is used in a sentence that sounds like the correct word but means something completely different. Hipkins’ blunder is a perfect example of this. In fact, malapropisms are often heard in the world of politics – when politicians get their words mixed up while speaking in public. A recent one was when a UK politician proudly declared that his intention was to “make breakfast a success” (Brexit). Other Examples of malapropisms include calling a tandem bike a tantrum bike, referring to Alcoholics Unanimous instead of Alcoholics Anonymous and at times, my job can be quite monogamous (monotonous).
Where does the term malapropism come from? In Richard B. Sheridan’s 18th century comedic play The Rivals, the main character’s aunt, Mrs. Malaprop, runs around saying things that sound almost correct – but are just a little bit wrong. The kind of mistake came to be known as a malapropism. Sheridan coined the character name from the French phrase, mal à propos, which means inappropriately.
In such uncertain times we do enjoy a little bit of wordy light relief. On that note I’m avoiding stretching my legs. Instead, I’ve taken up aerobics to help maintain my well-propositioned figure.
What’s On
We strongly believe our libraries are at the heart of every community and we mirror, reflect and service our community according to their needs. Libraries Horowhenua are taking extra practical steps to ensure our community have access to our services during this challenging time.
In this extraordinary time our physical library has to be closed to keep everyone safe and well. Our digital library is open and we will be working hard to be present online through email, our website, this column and on social media through all our libraries’ Facebook sites.
In addition
• We will be extending loan periods on all of our books and materials. Renewals will be extended and repeated as necessary.
• Any items returned to the libraries during this period of unprecedented disruption, will have all fines forgiven.
• EBooks, audiobooks, and online resources are available 24/7 on our website through our online platforms eWheelers and Libby