Library News 19 November 2021
Published on November 19, 2021
Top 10 books
New Teen Fiction
Kisses and Croissants by Anne –Sophie Jouhanneau
Jay’s Gay Adventure by Jason June
The Outrage by William Hussey
The Last Hawk by Elizabeth Wein
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta
Rising like a Storm by Tanaz Bhathena
Shadow by Kara Swanson
They’ll Never Catch Us by Jessica Goodman
Tim Te Maro and the Subterranean Heart Sick Blues by H.S. Valley
Bah Humbug!
Pam Coleman – Community Engagement Librarian
It’s official! The Holiday Season is upon us. Well, according to the retail industry. I heard the first Christmas song yesterday in a big box retailer. My first instinct was to run for the door but instead I rolled my eyes and continued to flick through Billy Connelly’s autobiography “Windswept and Interesting.” (Hypocrite that I am it will be on my Christmas list.)
I wonder if I am the only one here who can admit to feeling a certain ennui when it comes to this year’s festive celebrations. I wonder if I am less festive-minded than I was now my children are grown and flown and I do miss the traditions we had as a family. I wonder if this is the hang-over of so many years of excess and greed every Christmas and people are beginning to realise Christmas shouldn’t just be a spend-frenzy.
While Christmas activities can be thrilling for those who keep Mariah Carey's ‘All I Want for Christmas is you,’ in Spotify rotation year 'round, it can also be anxiety-triggering for others who like a wee bit of peace and quiet just fine, thank you. On mentioning this to my family it was decreed that I was a Scrooge. I replied, ‘Bah Humbug!’
Interestingly, the phrase Bah Humbug was most popularly attributed to Ebenezer Scrooge in the novella ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. While the word's exact origins are unknown, it was in use as far back as the 1750s. The original definition of a humbug is something or someone that is false or deceptive. In its verb form, to be humbugged is to be deceived or be the victim of a hoax. The phrase is often misunderstood. When Scrooge decries Christmas as a ‘humbug’, it is often taken as a general exclamation of displeasure and bitterness, but Scrooge didn’t just hate Christmas at the start of the tale – he deemed it to be a complete fraud. However I digress!
I am quickly admonished by my grown up kids. A plan was hatched that they would start some new traditions. They would all visit to put up the Christmas tree, one would host a pot-luck dinner at their house on Christmas Eve, and we would forego individual presents and have a family Secret Santa. (Strong hints were dropped for that Billy Connelly book.) Thus all of my complaints were resolved.
I was also reminded that Christmas should be about spending time with the people we love and cherish the most. It’s going to be a tough festive season for many people – especially those who can’t see their families. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it’s a good time to remember to be kind to one another and foster warmth in our communities.
If all else fails, make sure you have a stockpile of good books, a hoard of your favourite snacks, escape to a cupboard/bathroom/shed and hide. If that isn’t possible, take a deep breath: this too shall pass.
Happy Mail
We invite you to spread some Christmas cheer this holiday season by designing and creating cards for seniors living in our local rest homes. We would love for you to help ensure they feel connected and appreciated this Christmas.
Tips for Card Making:
Get creative! Use blank card, pens, felts, paints, scissors, glue, glitter or string.
Include a kind message, not addressed to anyone in particular and sign with your own name.
Keep the text large and easy to read
Leave the cards undated and if using an envelope, leave it unsealed
Pop your card into one of our designated Happy Mail boxes at any of our libraries
Need some inspiration? Check out our examples at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, Te Awahaou Nieuwe Stroom and Shannon Libraries. We have card kits to pick up if you need some supplies.
Reflections: Horowhenua: The People and Places of our Past
This November Libraries Horowhenua and the Horowhenua Family History Group presents the exhibition 'Reflections: Horowhenua the People and Places of our Past.' The display will showcase historic photographs allowing you to explore our community’s rich cultural past.
The exhibition captures the essence of the unique heritage of Horowhenua. Its aim is to encourage you to reflect on our past and learn about our local history.
Our Heritage Librarian and volunteers can show you how to research your own local or family history and share the resources we have in our Heritage rooms to help you do your own research.
The exhibition will run throughout the month of November during normal opening hours, in Te Takeretanga-o Kura-hau-pō's Heritage Room.
Be in to win this November!
Issue at least one item from our eLibrary and automatically go in the draw to win one of our fabulous prizes. Challenge yourself to read digitally this month! Reading digitally has many benefits and superb accessibility features. Access is free with your Libraries Horowhenua membership or eMembership, and a suitable device. Your library at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere.
Not a member? No worries. You can sign up as an eMember. For more information on our eLibrary and eMembership visit